Simulating genetic drift

By Deependra Dhakal in R

November 8, 2020

Genetic drift is the result of bernouli process on survival of individuals (given some probability for each of them) of a population over a number of independent trials (Generation).

Apparently there are two techniques of seeing such process – one individual level, other the population level. Both solutions are illustrated below. Let us suppose population of N individuals remains fixed from generation to generation, likewise, Fitness probability of “A” allele ($p(A)$) and “a” allele ($p(a)$) both starts off equal. Now we can generate incremental population survival probability for each individual for given population size:

N <- 100
pA <- vector()
pA[1] <- 0.5
i <- 1

while ((pA[i] < 1) & (pA[i] > 0)) {
  nA <- 0

  for (j in 1:N){
    random <- runif(1)
    if(random < pA[i]){nA <- nA + 1}
  pA[i + 1] <- nA/N
  i <- i + 1

Alternatively rbinom function generates the same but with probabilistic draw from entire population.

drift_generate <- function(N = 100){
  N <- N
  pA <- vector()
  pA[1] <- 0.5
  i <- 1
  while ((pA[i] < 1) & (pA[i] > 0)) {
    nA <- rbinom(n = 1, size = N, prob = pA[i])
    pA[i + 1] <- nA/N
    i <- i + 1
  return(tidyr::tibble(i = 1:i, pA = pA))

drift_tibble <- purrr::map_dfr(c(pop1 = 1, pop2 = 2, 
                                 pop3 = 3, pop4 = 4, 
                                 pop5 = 5, pop6 = 6), 
                               ~drift_generate(N = 100), .id = "population")

drift_gg <- ggplot(aes(x = i, y = pA), data = drift_tibble) +
  # geom_point(aes(color = population)) +
  geom_path(aes(color = population), size = 1.0) +
  theme_light() +
  scale_color_viridis_d() +
  labs(x = "Generation")

Posted on:
November 8, 2020
2 minute read, 270 words
population genetics R
See Also:
Missing negative from the normal
Internals of Mixed Models
Serpentine design and sorting