Seed multiplication ratio and its significance in production planning

By Deependra Dhakal in agriculture

January 13, 2019


SMR of Cereal crops

SMR of vegetable crops

(\#tab:smr-vegetables)Seed multiplication ratio of common vegetable crops
SN Crop Seed rate (per ha) Seed yield Seed Multiplication Ratio
1 Broad leaf mustard 600 600 1000.0
2 Bottle gourd 5000 160 32.0
3 Bitter gourd 5000 120 24.0
4 Broccoli 600 600 1000.0
5 Carrot 5000 600 120.0
6 Cabbage (Drum head) 600 800 1333.3
7 Cabbage (Golden acre) 600 700 1166.7
8 Cauliflower (Kathmandu local) 500 300 600.0
9 Cauliflower (Snowball) 500 240 480.0
10 Stringy beans 20000 600 30.0
11 Hot pepper 1000 160 160.0
12 Chenopodium 10000 700 70.0
13 Cucumber 3000 100 33.3
14 Pole bean 30000 800 26.7
15 Bush bean 80000 800 10.0
16 Knolkhol 1000 800 800.0
17 Onion 10000 500 50.0
18 Pea 100000 1000 10.0
19 Pumpkin 5000 160 32.0
20 Radish (White neck) 6000 800 133.3
21 Radish (Minnow early) 6000 500 83.3
22 Capsicum 1000 100 100.0
23 Squash 10000 200 20.0
24 Sponge gourd 5000 200 40.0
25 Swisschard 20000 800 40.0
26 Spinach 15000 500 33.3
27 Tomato 500 100 200.0
28 Turnip 5000 800 160.0
29 Watermelon 4000 100 25.0
30 Onion (For western mid hills) 10000 800 80.0


Adapted from Nepali writing of document on Seed production technology of major vegetable crops cultivated in Nepal (Basanta Chalise and Dr. Tul Bahadur Pun). Authors cite: FAO, 1984 for their tabulation.

Posted on:
January 13, 2019
2 minute read, 233 words
See Also:
Relating quantile distribution and selection intensity
Valentine wheat
World production and grain composition of major cultivated species