Thanking the farmers

Everybody has their own secret mantra which they find useful and will eventually apply for their unique set of problems. As a rummaging wanna-be R programmer, almost daily I shovel through rich contents of web in lookout for gurus. It’s a bit puzzling to know that most of them come faceless, nevertheless amazing are the quality of the contents the offer.

Either of the creating, editing or deploying a website has never been easy, to me especially. In fact, It’s just been a few weeks, not more than a month that I deployed my first website. I can’t thank enough the blogdown project by Yihui Xie that, at the first place, inspired me to make this personalized website of my own, showing how seemlessly can the technicalities be overcome. Before this I haven’t for once attempted to write an html code for a website as such.

By Deependra Dhakal in R

May 30, 2017

Dealing with factors

A factor is an headache

I have a dataset, cleaning which has been a pain lately. I’m going to use 20 observations of the imported dataset in this post to demonstrate how pathetically have I been advancing with it.

plot jan_23_2017 jan_26_2017 jan_29_2017 feb_02_2017
1 0 0 b am
2 f s 1p 10p
3 b a sm 3p
4 b b ap 2
5 0 b bp s
6 b a sp 3

Providing it a context, the columns represent multiple observations of same variable at different dates, as apparent from the column names.

An encounter with blogdown

An encounter with web content related to R, although for me it is usually random, is in general welcoming. The link to this amazing feature building on the fact that using a markdown language is rather a pleasant way to write a blog post in a fully costumizable website all by yourself is enticing, to me at least. I started weaving thoughts right at the moment.

By Deependra Dhakal in blog

May 1, 2017