Expressing timestamp data in calendar

Unlike composing a text memos and keeping tracks of those, calendar graphics is a highly effective visual aid to taking notes and summarizing them. Well, we all have used calendar, one way or the other, in our lifetimes.

Calendar based graphics enables an accurate catch at the very first glance; For example, it is very easy relating one activity of a period to another when they are laid linearly with precise graduations. Calendar graphics does exactly that – some features (usually tiles) provide graduation, representing fixed interval of time (e.g., a day). This when combined with text allows unlimited freedom to provide narration for specific intervals.

By Deependra Dhakal in R tidyverse

November 4, 2018

Developing flowcharts: an illustration of wheat breeding scheme

Flow diagrams are jam-packed with information. They normally describe a process and actors that are involved in making that happen.

With r package diagram, which uses r’s basic plotting capabilities, constructing flowcharts is as easy as drawing any other graphics.

This post expands on creating simple flowdiagrams using example scenario of a wheat breeding program. The information for this graph was, most notably, deduced from those provided by senior wheat breeder of Nepal, Mr. Madan Raj Bhatta.

Image and video editing hacks using ffmpeg

Compose a slideshow

This is beginner’s tutorial for starting up with open source ffmpeg library.

In the beginning, it’s shown how we can convert an image gallery to a video slideshow. For example we have a directory called images filled with photos that we want to knit together to obtain a slideshow. A video, however, has an additional time/length attribute besides the attribute that controls which order the images are sawn together in. Along with these, several other features underlie a video composition, some of which will be discussed in this tutorial.

Varietal database of lentil in Nepal

This one is my effort to compose an updated database on the current situation of lentil germplasm in Nepal. I’ve managed to list out the varieties that have been made available so far (either through release or registration process). Although, a lot of other popular genotypes are trending in cultivation as of now. I consider NARC’s varietal catalogs to be the most authentic, so have borrowed most of the information from these published documents.