
Animation composition

#!usr/bin/bash msg() { printf "\033[1;32m :: %s\n\033[0m" "$1" } printf "\033[6;46mName: %s\nSurname: %s\n\033[0m" "Deependra" "Dhakal" msg "Creating glitter..." The layers composition methods makes it a lot easier to generate simple animations, such as glitter. First we need some glitter that is large enough to cover the image being processed.

Bash administration

Way to know executable name for an application to launch it in terminal. If you know the name of the program, Try on the command line: find /usr -name 'ipython' 2.1 To list all the running process with their PIDs

Find by doing

Using find command is very handy to find any sort of file or a directory. At the very basics, find . # find all the files and directories at the starting at current directory and below. find # same as above find .

Webpicked find

There is probably a lot to look out in this open world for better, but that can be a good venture for a lifetime. Why not I embark on it now. Find More than anything, I certainly have to make a disclosure pre-emptively that this section is heavily borrowed.