Plant Breeding

The nature of code: Why is it

Many find genetics, as a field of science on its own, charming. Many more are excited to learn about the science that fits seamlessly into complexity driven life of organisms, providing explanation for natural phenomena at both micro-evolutionary and macro-evolutionary scales.

Valentine wheat

Private lives of wheat Wheat are romantics! Hopeless romantics – not hapless by any means, though. 😄 It is the sesaon of dancing Wheat. Beginning with contacting the soil first this November and since then, wheat has been challenging. Challenging the sod early on, micromanging the cosm surrounding the biosphere, mobilizing all it could get from pretty much listless ground.

Seed growth rate of major cultivated crops

Context Table 1: Seed growth rate of common cultivated crop species Crop Number of cultivars Seed growth rate_mean (mg per seed per day) Seed growth rate_range (mg per seed per day) Effective filling period_mean (day) Effective filling period_range (day) Maximum size_mean (mg per seed) Maximum size_range (mg per seed) Cereals: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.

World production and grain composition of major cultivated species

Context Out of crops raised for their seed/grains (listed under 35 species, by FAO; FAOSTAT, 2014), only 22 species are produced in substantial amounts. Species of graminae and leguminosae families alone account for about 85 percent of the total grain production.

Seed Business: Process Management Guide

The problem Seed business is a multifaceted undertake. Although most businesses suffer strong feedback effects, seed business are more markedly left with those than most others. Let us refer to a simple case description to recapitulate just how pronounced it can be, and we are talking about the success in a long term venture.

Bean: Description of Agromorphology

Introduction Agromorphology constitutes what’s observable and that which is economic. Because agriculture has important connection to economy, this connection is at best rung everywhere though what agriculture reveres and, and when talked modestly, relies on: Crops. Unsurprisingly, finer details that agriculture touches upon to make ends met (processes and resources involved along the Production-Consumption chain) are convoluted.

Variance component based parameter estimation of incomplete block designs

Introduction Variance component models are also suited for analysis of incomplete block designs, besides complete block designs. This post aims to demonstrate exactly that. Using a dataset generated from alpha lattice design, I show how the design can be properly modeled and fit using OLS regression having various fixed model components.

Linear mixed model formulation

Introduction Mixed models are quite tricky, in that, while being very powerful extensions of linear models, they are somewhat difficult to conceptualize and otherwise to specify. Mixed models have, in addition to usual fixed effect combination of factors, random effects structure.

Design and analysis of spit plot experiments

Split plot design Design and fieldbook template In a field experiment to test for effects of fungicide on crop, treatment of fungicides may be distinguised into multiple factors – based on chemical constituent, based on formulation, based on the mode of spray, etc.

Layout and visualization of experimental design

Functional approach to creating and combing multiple plots This approach highlights features of gridExtra package that allows combining multiple grob plots using function calls. We explicitly use lapply/split or similar class of purrr functions to really scale the graphics.